🔷 The attack animations of Summons and Pets have been fixed. Their animations were not following their Atk. Speed, causing them to appear "choppy." Additionally, some faulty damage and critical messages related to summons have also been corrected.
🔷 The skill Servitor Share has been improved. Here is the new description: Extends to the servitor P. Atk. by 75%, P. Def. by 70%, M. Atk. by 35%, M. Def. by 55%, Max HP/MP by 35%, Critical Rate by 35%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, and Casting Spd. by 10%.
ℹ️ The skill will have a reduced effect in the Olympiad (same as before the improvement).
🔷 The skill Golem Reinforcement will now be called Golem Link and will work similarly to the skill Servitor Share. Here is its new description: Extends to your Golem P. Atk., P. Def., and M. Def. by 50%, Max HP/MP by 15%, Critical Rate by 15%, and Atk. Spd. by 5%.
🔷 The skill Erase no longer removes buffs from the summon, allowing it to be summoned again with buffs intact.