Exilium World - L2J Server


Balance Adjustments

🔷Ultimate Evasion Physical Skill evasion reduced from 40% to 30%

🔷Wind Riding Physical Skill evasion reduced from 60% to 50%

🔷Ghost Walking Physical Skill evasion reduced from 60% to 50%

🔷Exciting Adventure Physical Skill evasion reduced from 40% to 30%

🔷Dodge chance reduced from 90% to 60%

🔷Counterattack chance reduced from 70% to 60%

Note: Skills with debuffs or secondary effects were not subject to this rule. They could not be evaded under any circumstances, only damage skills were, but this was recently changed, and all skills are now subject to the rule, which made the above skills stronger as a result. Hence, this slight reduction.

🔷Templar's Frenzy Gain HP reduced from 70% to 50%

🔷Magical Backfire mana consumption of the debuff reduced from 200% to 100%

🔷Focus Attack will now consume periodic mana

🔷Counter Critical now affects the whole party, making everyone immune to physical critical damage for 20 seconds. No longer has a trigger that increases critical power. Does not consume a buff slot.

🔷Mystic Immunity now affects the whole party, making everyone immune to debuffs for 20 seconds. Does not consume a buff slot.

🔷Over The Body duration reduced from 120s to 90s

🔷Entangle duration reduced from 60s to 30s

🔷Hamstring duration reduced from 60s to 30s

🔷Mana consumption on the Cost route of the skill Steal Essence was slightly increased.

🔷Skill Zealot in the chance route had its activation chance reduced from 100% to 70%

Olympiad Adjustments

Titan: -10% PvP Damage

Eva's Templar: -5 Speed

Tournament Adjustments

Sagitarius: +10% PvP Defense; +20% PvP Damage

Ghost Sentinel: +10% PvP Defense; +20% PvP Damage

Moonlight Sentinel: +10% PvP Defense; +20% PvP Damage

Trickster: +5% PvP Defense; +10% PvP Damage

Eva's Templar: -5% PvP Damage

Shillien Templar: -5% PvP Damage; -5% PvP Defense; Spirit of Shillien will increase 20% less Vampiric Rage within the tournament

Dreadnought: -5% PvP Damage; -5% PvP Defense