Exilium World - L2J Server


🔷The Dodge-type skills (evade physical skills) have been fixed. There was an issue where Dodge (and similar skills) were not evading physical skills that contained secondary effects (damage skills that have debuffs), for example, Shield Stun, Shield Bash, Shield Strike, Armor Crush, Stun Shot, Shock Blast, etc.

🔷The issue where the Olympiad results window was not appearing in the Fafurion client has been fixed.

🔷Fixed the HP of NPCs Treasure Gobline and Treacherous Chest in the Fafurion client that were not being shown.

🔷Fixed the textures of Blazing Swamp and Elven Village in the Fafurion client.

🔷Fixed a minor issue in the display of class names in the Olympiad fight window in the Fafurion client.