Exilium World - L2J Server


🔷 Temporary Alliances creation has been disabled.

This system was designed to prevent the formation of monopolies by penalizing large clans that practiced "zerging", while imposing fewer restrictions on smaller clans. The intention was to discourage large clans from "zerging" and allow smaller ones to operate with fewer issues, thus seeking balance. However, the results were not as expected. We observed that the game became stagnant, with all clans avoiding conflict for fear of penalties. Large clans found ways to circumvent the system, while smaller ones faced unnecessary sanctions. Given these developments, we decided to suspend the system. During this period, we will not apply penalties or interfere in these aspects of the game, but the rule that prohibits two clans from using the same flag remains valid.

Penalties that are active will continue until they expire.

🔷 An option has been added in the Fafurion client's Clan window to check the clan's online average over the last 7 days.