Exilium World - L2J Server


The Fortress System has been reworked, and here we will discuss what has been changed and what is new

A new item has been created: Symbol of Control.

This item symbolizes territorial control and can be obtained in Forts and Castles.

Just like the Blood Oath, the Symbol of Control will be periodically delivered (every 6 hours) to the Fort. But unlike the Blood Oath, which is used more for the benefit of the clan itself (leveling up, acquiring skills, etc.), the Symbol of Control will be used more for the benefit of the members. Special and rare items will be sold at the Fort and Castle for Symbols of Control and Fame. These items, for now, are:

  • Boss Jewels (they have been removed from Hector and transferred to Fort and Castle)
  • Green Talismans (they have been removed from Hector and transferred to Fort and Castle)
  • Grand Crusade Cloaks (they have been removed from Hector and transferred to Fort and Castle)
  • Einhasad's Gold Bracelet
  • New capes: Conqueror's Cloak. These new capes have some differences compared to others, they are more powerful and provide +0.71 MP Regen and +0.3% PvP Defense.

All Clan members have equal rights to the Symbols of Control acquired. Each member can withdraw from the fort (through the Logistics Officer) an amount equal to the total Symbols divided by the total number of Clan members. Each member can make one withdrawal per day.

The amount of Symbols of Control acquired every 6 hours is:

  • 1500 for Clans that do not pledge allegiance to any castle
  • 1000 for Clans that pledge allegiance to a castle. In this case, the castle also receives 1000 every 6 hours.

If the Clan does not pledge allegiance to any castle, the owner of the regional Castle can go to the Fort and attack it (returning it to the "rebel army"), as a form of oppression. When this happens, the Clan owner of the fort loses the Fort, and the Fort also loses all Symbols of Control.

If another Clan (not being a castle owner) takes the Fort, the Symbols of Control from that Fort are not lost. Thus allowing other Clans to "raid" other Forts that have many Symbols of Control.

If a Fort that is loyal to a castle is taken by another Clan, all Symbols of Control from the castle are lost. Therefore, the castle must help defend the fort if they do not want to lose their Symbols of Control.

Other modifications

🔷Guards are now stronger and can effectively help defend the fort.

🔷A Clan owning a castle can now only attack a Fort belonging to its region

🔷Knight's Epaulettes can now be exchanged for Fame at the Logistics Officer

🔷Blood Oath can now be exchanged for 3000 Clan reputation points at the "Clan Trader" NPCs in Rune and Aden. Blood Alliance can be exchanged for 10000 Fame.

🔷The drops from the Raid Boss in the Fort instance have been improved. They now have drops equivalent to level 80 Raid Bosses.

🔷Whenever someone registers to attack a Fort or a new Clan takes a Fort, everyone in the region will be informed (NPC Shout)

Fafurion client updates

🔷Fixed the Cursed Weapons not appearing on the map

🔷Fixed Territory War registration window

🔷Fixed some dances and songs causing strange visual effects

🔷Buff manipulation performance in party has been improved, reducing the "extra" lag that occurs when in a party (due to the number of buffs that need to be updated constantly).