Grand Bosses | Level | Status | Spawn Date |
Antharas | 85 | Dead | |
Baium | 85 | Dead | |
Core | 50 | Dead | |
Fafurion | 85 | Dead | |
Orfen | 50 | Alive | Alive |
Queen Ant | 40 | Dead | |
Valakas | 85 | Dead |
Raid Bosses | Level | Status | Spawn Date |
Abyss Brukunt | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 22:15:37 |
Agent of Beres Meana | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:23:10 |
Anays | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 01:46:29 |
Ancient Weird Drake | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 18:34:25 |
Antharas Priest Cloe | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:38:00 |
Apepi | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Archon Suscepter | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Atraiban | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Bandit Leader Barda | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Barion | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Beast Lord Behemoth | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 07:39:06 |
Beleth's Seer Sephia | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Betrayer of Urutu Freki | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Biconne of Blue Sky | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Black Lily | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Bloody Empress Decarbia | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 02:30:23 |
Bloody Priest Rudelto | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 18:17:03 |
Boss Akata | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Breka Warlock Pastu | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Captain of Queen's Royal Guards | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Captain of Red Flag Shaka | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Carnage Lord Gato | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Cat's Eye Bandit | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Chertuba of Great Soul | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Cherub Galaxia | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 10:37:02 |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Cronos's Servitor Mumu | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Cursed Clara | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Cyrax | 87 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:10:42 |
Darion | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 06:40:05 |
Deadman Ereve | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Death Lord Hallate | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 21:23:35 |
Death Lord Ipos | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 21:18:01 |
Death Lord Shax | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 00:15:36 |
Demon Kurikups | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 14:33:49 |
Demon's Agent Falston | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 23:48:03 |
Discarded Guardian | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Doom Blade Tanatos | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:40:58 |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Dust Rider | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 10:23:17 |
Earth Protector Panathen | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Eilhalder von Hellmann | 80 | Alive | Alive |
Elf Renoa | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Ember | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 12:10:05 |
Enchanted Forest Watcher Ruell | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Enmity Ghost Ramdal | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 08:58:22 |
Epidos | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 03:37:54 |
Eva's Guardian Millenu | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:57:26 |
Eva's Spirit Niniel | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Evil Spirit Cyrion | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Evil Spirit Tempest | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Eye of Beleth | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Fafurion's Envoy Pingolpin | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Fafurion's Henchman Istary | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Fafurion's Herald Lokness | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:15:57 |
Fafurion's Page Sika | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Fairy Queen Timiniel | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 18:38:51 |
Fierce Tiger King Angel | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 12:17:50 |
Fire of Wrath Shuriel | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 15:23:22 |
Flame Lord Shadar | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Flame of Splendor Barakiel | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:56:21 |
Flamestone Giant | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 18:19:38 |
Flamestone Golem | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Furious Thieles | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Gargoyle Lord Tiphon | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 10:20:26 |
Ghost Knight Kabed | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Ghost of Peasant Leader | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Ghost of the Well Lidia | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:04:20 |
Giant Marpanak | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 14:52:32 |
Giant Wasteland Basilisk | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Gorgolos | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 12:26:12 |
Grave Robber Kim | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Greyclaw Kutus | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Guardian of the Statue of Giant Karum | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:39:28 |
Guilotine Warden of the Execution Grounds | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Gwindorr | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 13:25:32 |
Harit Guardian Garangky | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Harit Hero Tamash | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Hestia Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:06:41 |
Icarus Sample 1 | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Ikuntai | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Immortal Savior Mardil | 80 | Dead | 23/02/2025 10:53:55 |
Iron Giant Totem | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Karte | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Kaysha Herald of Icarus | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Kernon | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 17:50:09 |
Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 10:11:01 |
Ketra's Chief Brakki | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 08:21:56 |
Ketra's Commander Tayr | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:46:39 |
Ketra's Hero Hekaton | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 08:00:53 |
King Tarlk | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Korim | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 22:05:20 |
Krokian Padisha Sobekk | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 02:07:12 |
Kuroboros' Priest | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Langk Matriarch Rashkos | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Last Lesser Giant Glaki | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 23:06:33 |
Last Lesser Giant Olkuth | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 05:50:22 |
Last Titan Utenus | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:16:48 |
Leader of Cat Gang | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Leto Chief Talkin | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Lilith's Witch Marilion | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Lizardmen Leader Hellion | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Longhorn Golkonda | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 17:39:56 |
Lord Ishka | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 20:29:44 |
Lost Captain | 83 | Alive | Alive |
Madness Beast | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Magus Kenishee | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Malex Herald of Dagoniel | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Mammon Collector Talos | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Meanas Anor | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 13:36:36 |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Mirror of Oblivion | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Nakondas | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Nurka's Messenger | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Ocean Flame Ashakiel | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 17:51:05 |
Orfen's Handmaiden | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Pagan Watcher Cerberon | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Palatanos of Horrific Power | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 22:08:36 |
Palibati Queen Themis | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 15:06:55 |
Pan Dryad | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Paniel the Unicorn | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Partisan Leader Talakin | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Patriarch Kuroboros | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Plague Golem | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 17:59:30 |
Premo Prime | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Princess Molrang | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Queen Shyeed | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 03:11:13 |
Ragraman | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Rahha | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:08:17 |
Rayito the Looter | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Red Eye Captain Trakia | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Refugee Hopeful Leo | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 23:00:24 |
Remmel | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Retreat Spider Cletu | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Road Scavenger Leader | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Roaring Lord Kastor | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:57:16 |
Roaring Skylancer | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:24:23 |
Rotten Tree Repiro | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Sailren | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 15:37:17 |
Sebek | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Sejarr's Servitor | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Serpent Demon Bifrons | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Shacram | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Shaman King Selu | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Shilen's Messenger Cabrio | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 20:54:13 |
Shilen's Priest Hisilrome | 80 | Dead | 23/02/2025 02:09:00 |
Skyla | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Sorcerer Isirr | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Soul Collector Acheron | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Soul Scavenger | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Soulless Wild Boar | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 15:30:52 |
Spirit of Andras the Betrayer | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:36:13 |
Stakato Queen Zyrnna | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Storm Winged Naga | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 11:04:54 |
Sukar Wererat Chief | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Taik High Prefect Arak | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:55:55 |
Tasaba Patriarch Hellena | 61 | Alive | Alive |
The 3rd Underwater Guardian | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 18:56:01 |
Thief Kelbar | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Tiger Hornet | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Tiger King Karuta | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Timak Orc Chief Ranger | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Timak Seer Ragoth | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 09:14:08 |
Tirak | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Tracker Leader Sharuk | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Tully | 84 | Dead | 23/02/2025 06:04:40 |
Turek Mercenary Captain | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Typhoon | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 21:33:12 |
Unrequited Kael | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Uruka | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 10:41:57 |
Vanor Chief Kandra | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 19:01:50 |
Varka's Chief Horus | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 13:06:55 |
Varka's Commander Mos | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 15:08:30 |
Varka's Hero Shadith | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 17:37:41 |
Verfa | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Water Couatle Ateka | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Water Dragon Seer Sheshark | 80 | Dead | 22/02/2025 21:32:36 |
Water Spirit Lian | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 23:22:46 |
Wings of Flame Ixion | 84 | Dead | 22/02/2025 16:18:30 |
Wizard of Storm Teruk | 61 | Alive | Alive |
Zaken's Butcher Krantz | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 76 | Alive | Alive |
Zombie Lord Crowl | 52 | Alive | Alive |
Zombie Lord Farakelsus | 52 | Alive | Alive |