Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: Mission
Class: Phoenix Knight
Created on: 2023-05-23
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 10
PK: 3
Fame: 38600
Heroes: 1
Last update
$ 37.50 USD
PVP: 10 PK: 3 Fame: 38600 Hero: 1 Criação: 2023-05-23

Enchanted Skills

Phoenix Knight Base

Aura of Hate Aggression Sacrifice Iron Will Majesty Shield Stun Ultimate Defense Deflect Arrow M. Def. Shield Mastery Focus Mind Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Heavy Armor Mastery Divine Blessing Final Fortress Aegis Stance Shield Fortress Wisdom Health Fortitude Touch of Life Shield Slam Vengeance Tribunal Shackle Angelic Icon Knighthood Shield of Faith

Phoenix Knight Base

Aura of Hate Aggression Sacrifice Iron Will Majesty Shield Stun Ultimate Defense Deflect Arrow M. Def. Shield Mastery Focus Mind Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Heavy Armor Mastery Divine Blessing Final Fortress Aegis Stance Shield Fortress Wisdom Health Fortitude Touch of Life Shield Slam Vengeance Tribunal Shackle Angelic Icon Knighthood Shield of Faith


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Doom Cryer

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Triton Pole Eternal Core Dual Sword Recurve Thorne Bow Icarus Spitter - Concentration Demitelum Demitelum Demitelum Hell Knife Eversor Mace Claw of Destruction {PvP} Staff of Evil Spirits Staff of Evil Spirits Claw of Destruction {PvP} Icarus Hammer - Earth {PvP} Claw of Destruction Claw of Destruction Claw of Destruction Claw of Destruction Claw of Destruction Icarus Hammer - Earth Eternal Core Sword Homunkulus's Sword Eternal Core Sword Hellblade Hellblade Hellblade {PvP} Hellblade {PvP} Hellblade {PvP} Hellblade Hellblade Mardil's Fan Hellblade Hellblade Archangel Sword Vesper Shield Elegia Shield Noblesse Tiara Shadow Walker Cloak Elegia Boots Elegia Gaiter Vorpal Leather Legging Elegia Gaiter Olf's T-shirt Elegia Hourberk {PvP} Vorpal Cuirass {PvP} Elegia Cuirass {PvP} Elegia Gauntlet Top-Grade Magic Pouch Mithril Belt Royalt's Circlet Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt Elegia Helmet Ring of Baium Ring of Queen Ant Necklace of Valakas Earring of Antharas Blessed Earring of Zaken Green Talisman - Strength Yellow Talisman - CP Recovery Rate Enhanced Mithril Bracelet


Adena Scroll of Escape Shining Arrow Crystal (A-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) Spirit Ore Dragonflute of Twilight Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Int-1> Greater Dye of STR <Str+4 Con-4> Greater Dye of CON <Con+4 Dex-4> Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+4 Con-4> Greater Dye of MEN <Men+4 Int-4> Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Int-4> Exilium Store Event - Medal of Honor Firework Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Giant's Codex Beast Soulshot Key of Splendor Room Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Earth Crystal Giant's Codex - Oblivion Forgotten Scroll - Arrow Rain Olympiad Token Warrior's Temporary Healing Potion Strongbox of Promise Strongbox of Promise Olympiad Match 3 Participation Certificate Olympiad Match 5 Participation Certificate Olympiad Class-Free Battle Certificate Exilium Coin Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Roman General, Lauto, Captain Pirate, Cowboy, Royal Archer, Ciborgue, Dragonbone, Kawaii, Kat the Cat, Diplomatic Traveler, Eskimo, Archer, Leprechaun, Dark Assassin, Hearts, Eternal Robe, Nacar Light, Desert Eagle

Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 3

$ 37.50 USD