Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: xMaker
Class: Ghost Sentinel
Created on: 2024-03-06
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 0
PK: 0
Fame: 3000
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 21.62 USD
PVP: 0 PK: 0 Fame: 3000 Hero: 0 Criação: 2024-03-06

Enchanted Skills

Ghost Sentinel Base

Double Shot Drain Health Stun Shot Freezing Strike Ultimate Evasion Power Break Hex Quick Step Bow Mastery Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Vicious Stance Fatal Counter Wisdom Lethal Shot Hamstring Shot Evade Shot Dead Eye Archery

Ghost Sentinel Base

Double Shot Drain Health Stun Shot Freezing Strike Ultimate Evasion Power Break Hex Quick Step Bow Mastery Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Vicious Stance Fatal Counter Wisdom Lethal Shot Hamstring Shot Evade Shot Dead Eye Archery

Shillien Templar

Aura of Hate Summon Vampiric Cubic Aggression Summon Phantom Cubic Freezing Strike Ultimate Defense Deflect Arrow Hex M. Def. Shield Mastery Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Sting Heavy Armor Mastery Lightning Strike Guard Stance Final Fortress Shield Fortress Wisdom Health Fortitude Touch of Death Shield Bash Vengeance Judgment Arrest Knighthood Shield of Faith

Spectral Dancer

Summon Phantom Cubic Poison Blade Dance Freezing Strike Hex Dual Weapon Mastery M. Def. Dance of the Warrior Dance of Inspiration Dance of Fire Dance of Fury Wisdom Health Arrest

Storm Screamer

Death Spike Hurricane Demon Wind



Recurve Thorne Bow Recurve Thorne Bow Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Sword of Valhalla Noblesse Tiara Vorpal Gaiter Olf's T-shirt Elegia Ring Elegia Ring Elegia Necklace Elegia Earring Earring of Zaken


Adena Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection Soulshot (S-Grade) Gemstone D Gemstone B Spirit Ore Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Exilium Store Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Summoning Crystal Transformation Sealbook: Onyx Beast Kamael Village Teleportation Scroll Olympiad Token Exilium Coin Encrypted Mystra's Spellbook Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Hearts, Valkyrie, Joker, Lauto, Ciborgue, Captain Pirate, Royal Archer, Royal Knight, Steampunk, Leprechaun, Cowboy

Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 1

$ 21.62 USD