Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: lRyzen
Class: Storm Screamer
Created on: 2024-03-21
Clan: The
PVP: 36
PK: 1
Fame: 5700
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 44.99 USD
PVP: 36 PK: 1 Fame: 5700 Hero: 0 Criação: 2024-03-21

Enchanted Skills

Storm Screamer Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Higher Mana Gain Wisdom Health Arcane Power Arcane Roar Silence Sleep Surrender To Wind Death Spike Body To Mind Curse Death Link Slow Curse Fear Tempest Curse Chaos Vampiric Claw Hurricane Shadow Flare Aura Symphony Demon Wind Elemental Storm Arcane Chaos Wind Vortex Dark Vortex Aura Flash Wind Vortex Slug Empowering Echo Throne of Wind

Storm Screamer Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Higher Mana Gain Wisdom Health Arcane Power Arcane Roar Silence Sleep Surrender To Wind Death Spike Body To Mind Curse Death Link Slow Curse Fear Tempest Curse Chaos Vampiric Claw Hurricane Shadow Flare Aura Symphony Demon Wind Elemental Storm Arcane Chaos Wind Vortex Dark Vortex Aura Flash Wind Vortex Slug Empowering Echo Throne of Wind


There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Phoenix Knight

There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Shillien Templar

There are no enchanted skills in this class.



Staff of Evil Spirits Sprite's Staff Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Noblesse Tiara Blue Talisman of Defense Red Talisman of Minimum Clarity Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity Blue Talisman of Magic Defense Black Talisman - Arcane Freedom


Adena Scroll of Escape Greater Haste Potion Greater Swift Attack Potion Spirit Ore Gold Bar Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Penitent's Manacles Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+3 Men-3> Ancient Adena Exilium Store Greater Magic Haste Potion Event - Medal of Honor Firework Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Giant's Codex Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Einhasad's Holy Water Magic Symbol Wind Stone Dark Stone Giant's Codex - Mastery Scroll of Escape: Fortress Top-Grade Life Stone -  Level 82 Olympiad Token Powerful Healing Potion Shield Scroll Wild Magic Scroll Exilium Ether Auto Play Ticket - 10 minutes Auto Play Ticket - 20 minutes Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Cowboy, Ciborgue, Lauto, Steampunk, Wonderland, Royal Knight, Joker, Royalty

Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 1

$ 44.99 USD