Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: LalaIvey
Class: Shillien Saint
Created on: 2024-04-22
Clan: VsHaLL
PVP: 1
PK: 0
Fame: 37900
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 67.50 USD
PVP: 1 PK: 0 Fame: 37900 Hero: 0 Criação: 2024-04-22

Enchanted Skills

Shillien Saint Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Wisdom Divine Lore Recharge Mental Shield Shield Empower Might Kiss of Eva Focus Concentration Dryad Root Wind Walk Wind Shackle Guidance Death Whisper Wild Magic Body of Avatar Arcane Protection Prophecy of Wind Block Shield Erase Magical BackFire Mana Burn Major Group Heal Mana Gain Blessed Blood Stigma of Shilien

Shillien Saint Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Wisdom Divine Lore Recharge Mental Shield Shield Empower Might Kiss of Eva Focus Concentration Dryad Root Wind Walk Wind Shackle Guidance Death Whisper Wild Magic Body of Avatar Arcane Protection Prophecy of Wind Block Shield Erase Magical BackFire Mana Burn Major Group Heal Mana Gain Blessed Blood Stigma of Shilien

Shillien Templar

There are no enchanted skills in this class.



Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Sprite's Staff Sprite's Staff Staff of Evil Spirits Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Dynasty Mace - Earth Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Arcana Mace Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan {PvP} Vesper Sigil Soul Cloak of Freya Elegia Shoes Elegia Hose Elegia Tunic {PvP} Olf's T-shirt Elegia Gloves Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt Elegia Circlet Ring of Baium Ring of Beleth Blessed Necklace of Freya Earring of Antharas Blessed Earring of Zaken


Adena Soulshot (C-Grade) Spirit Ore Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Exilium Store Event - Medal of Honor Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Scroll of Escape: Fortress Kamael Village Teleportation Scroll Olympiad Token Mystra's Spellbook Magic Box Auto Play Ticket - 1 hour Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Valkyrie, Dragonbone, Sky Eagle, Seraph Light, Kawaii, Royal Zubei, Priest, Hearts, Royal Archer, Steampunk, Crusade, Roman General, Royal Knight, Dark Assassin, Royalty, Lauto, Leprechaun, Eternal Light, Seraph Heavy

Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 3

$ 67.50 USD