Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: PropheticWinds
Class: Shillien Saint
Created on: 2016-07-05
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 330
PK: 0
Fame: 24805
Heroes: 1
Last update
$ 62.50 USD
PVP: 330 PK: 0 Fame: 24805 Hero: 1 Criação: 2016-07-05

Enchanted Skills

Shillien Saint Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Light Armor Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Wisdom Divine Lore Recharge Mental Shield Shield Empower Might Kiss of Eva Focus Concentration Resist Wind Dryad Root Wind Walk Wind Shackle Greater Heal Greater Battle Heal Guidance Death Whisper Vampiric Rage Wild Magic Arcane Protection Prophecy of Wind Block Shield Resist Holy Erase Mana Burn Major Group Heal Mana Gain Blessed Blood Stigma of Shilien

Shillien Saint Base

Anti Magic Boost Mana Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Light Armor Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Wisdom Divine Lore Recharge Mental Shield Shield Empower Might Kiss of Eva Focus Concentration Resist Wind Dryad Root Wind Walk Wind Shackle Greater Heal Greater Battle Heal Guidance Death Whisper Vampiric Rage Wild Magic Arcane Protection Prophecy of Wind Block Shield Resist Holy Erase Mana Burn Major Group Heal Mana Gain Blessed Blood Stigma of Shilien


There are no enchanted skills in this class.


There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Shillien Templar

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Vesper Shaper - Gale Hell Knife Dynasty Knife - Great Gale Sacredium Sacredium Sacredium Staff of Evil Spirits Sacredium Sacredium Sacredium Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Archangel Sword Archangel Sword Mardil's Fan {PvP} Icarus Spirit - Nature Elegia Tunic {PvP} Olf's T-shirt Yellow Talisman of Speed Black Talisman - Vocalization Black Talisman - Arcane Freedom Yellow Talisman of Alacrity Black Talisman - Physical Freedom Blue Talisman of Protection Blue Talisman of Defense Blue Talisman of Wild Magic Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity Black Talisman - Escape Black Talisman - Free Speech Blue Talisman - Divine Protection White Talisman of Motion Blue Talisman - Buff Cancel Blue Talisman - Buff Cancel Blue Talisman - Buff Steal Blue Talisman - Buff Steal Yellow Talisman - Speed Red Talisman - Life Force White Talisman of Grounding White Talisman of Protection Enhanced Mithril Bracelet Blue Talisman - Magic Explosion White Talisman of Bravery


Adena Scroll of Escape Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection Shining Arrow Soulshot (S-Grade) Soul Ore Scroll of Escape: Castle Spirit Ore Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Exilium Store Greater CP Potion Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Baby Buffalo Panpipe Entrance Pass to the Sepulcher Sealed Box Goblet of Mekara Chapel Key Used Grave Pass Baby Spice Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of CP (S-Grade) Magic Symbol Scroll of Escape: Fortress Olympiad Token Oren Territory Badge Aden Territory Badge Powerful Healing Potion Birthday Present Pack Birthday Present Pack Birthday Vitality Potion Exilium Ether Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins


Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 1

$ 62.50 USD