Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: FaaZoL
Class: Wind Rider
Created on: 2023-09-19
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 373
PK: 4
Fame: 100000
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 64.12 USD
PVP: 373 PK: 4 Fame: 100000 Hero: 0 Criação: 2023-09-19

Enchanted Skills

Wind Rider Base

Backstab Elemental Heal Bleed Entangle Ultimate Evasion Spirit Barrier Critical Chance Quick Step Boost Evasion Dagger Mastery Silent Move Sprint Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Deadly Blow Vicious Stance Blinding Blow Wisdom Lethal Blow Focus Death Focus Chance Bluff Mortal Strike Sand Bomb Assassination

Wind Rider Base

Backstab Elemental Heal Bleed Entangle Ultimate Evasion Spirit Barrier Critical Chance Quick Step Boost Evasion Dagger Mastery Silent Move Sprint Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Deadly Blow Vicious Stance Blinding Blow Wisdom Lethal Blow Focus Death Focus Chance Bluff Mortal Strike Sand Bomb Assassination

Phoenix Knight

There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Sword Muse

There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Moonlight Sentinel

There are no enchanted skills in this class.



Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades Butcher Blades {PvP} Butcher Blades Blades of Delusion Recurve Thorne Bow Jade Claw Jade Claw Demitelum Icarus Disperser - Confusion Mamba Edge Sprite's Staff Sprite's Staff Staff of Evil Spirits Staff of Evil Spirits Blood Brother Hellblade Blood Brother Cloak of the Hidden Abism Vorpal Leather Boots Vorpal Leather Legging Elegia Leather Legging Vorpal Houberk Vorpal Houberk {PvP} Elegia Houberk Olf's T-shirt Elegia Leather Gloves Vorpal Leather Gloves Vorpal Leather Gloves Vorpal Leather Gloves Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt Top-Grade Magic Pouch Mithril Belt Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt Elegia Leather Helmet Elegia Leather Helmet Elegia Leather Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet Ring of Queen Ant Ring of Baium Necklace of Valakas Blessed Earring of Zaken Earring of Antharas Enhanced Mithril Bracelet Yellow Talisman of Defense Blue Talisman - Divine Protection


Adena Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection Healing Potion Shining Arrow Soulshot (S-Grade) Soul Ore Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Spirit Ore Blessed Scroll of Resurrection Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Manacles of Penitent Exilium Store Greater CP Potion Greater CP Potion Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Greater Magic Haste Potion Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of CP (S-Grade) Battle Symbol Map of Hellbound Olympiad Token Large Dragon Skull Powerful Healing Potion Exilium Ether Exilium Coin Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Pirate, Valkyrie, Hearts, Crusade, Dark Assassin, Aegis, Royalty, Lauto, Joker, Wonderland, Captain Pirate, Ciborgue, Leprechaun, Dragonbone, Kat the Cat, Dark Priest, Lilith, Priest, Emerald Light, Dark Ranker

Skin Mastery Skin Mastery lvl 3

$ 64.12 USD