Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: Phantomina
Class: Spectral Master
Created on: 2017-08-14
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 2
PK: 2
Fame: 5005
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 25.00 USD
PVP: 2 PK: 2 Fame: 5005 Hero: 0 Criação: 2017-08-14

Enchanted Skills

Spectral Master Base

Anti Magic Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Light Armor Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Agility Summon Lore Servitor Recharge Servitor Heal Wind Shackle Transfer Pain Summon Spark Cubic Servitor Empowerment Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Summon Nightshade Final Servitor Summon Spectral Lord Death Spike

Spectral Master Base

Anti Magic Fast Spell Casting Fast Mana Recovery Robe Mastery Light Armor Mastery Wisdom Health Arcane Agility Summon Lore Servitor Recharge Servitor Heal Wind Shackle Transfer Pain Summon Spark Cubic Servitor Empowerment Mass Summon Phantom Cubic Summon Nightshade Final Servitor Summon Spectral Lord Death Spike


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Shillien Templar

There are no enchanted skills in this class.

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Hell Knife Sacredium Staff of Evil Spirits Staff of Evil Spirits Sacredium Sacredium Sacredium Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Mardil's Fan Vorpal Tunic {PvP} Vorpal Houberk {PvP} Black Talisman - Physical Freedom Black Talisman - Arcane Freedom Black Talisman - Rescue Black Talisman - Vocalization Yellow Talisman of Alacrity Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity Black Talisman - Escape Blue Talisman - Divine Protection Black Talisman - Free Speech Yellow Talisman of Speed White Talisman of Motion Red Talisman - Life Force Yellow Talisman - Speed Yellow Talisman - Damage Transition Blue Talisman - Greater Healing Blue Talisman - Magic Explosion White Talisman of Grounding White Talisman of Protection Enhanced Mithril Bracelet White Talisman of Bravery


Adena Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection Soulshot (S-Grade) Soul Ore Spirit Ore Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Exilium Store Greater CP Potion Beast Soulshot Blessed Beast Spiritshot Baby Buffalo Panpipe Baby Spice Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of CP (S-Grade) Olympiad Token Olympiad Match 3 Participation Certificate Olympiad Match 5 Participation Certificate Powerful Healing Potion Exilium Ether Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins


$ 25.00 USD