Exilium World - L2J Server


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Character Details

Nickname: TaylorSwift
Class: Ghost Sentinel
Created on: 2017-08-14
Clan: Nenhum
PVP: 91
PK: 0
Fame: 43711
Heroes: 0
Last update
$ 25.00 USD
PVP: 91 PK: 0 Fame: 43711 Hero: 0 Criação: 2017-08-14

Enchanted Skills

Ghost Sentinel Base

Double Shot Drain Health Stun Shot Freezing Strike Power Break Hex Quick Step Bow Mastery Sting Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Soul of Sagittarius Vicious Stance Fatal Counter Wisdom Lethal Shot Hamstring Shot Evade Shot Dead Eye Archery

Ghost Sentinel Base

Double Shot Drain Health Stun Shot Freezing Strike Power Break Hex Quick Step Bow Mastery Sting Light Armor Mastery Accuracy Soul of Sagittarius Vicious Stance Fatal Counter Wisdom Lethal Shot Hamstring Shot Evade Shot Dead Eye Archery

Treasure Hunter

There are no enchanted skills in this class.


There are no enchanted skills in this class.

Spectral Dancer

There are no enchanted skills in this class.



Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance Carnage Bow Recurve Thorne Bow Dynasty Bow - Great Gale Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance Vesper Shaper Vesper Shaper - Gale Vesper Shaper Hell Knife Dynasty Mace - Earth Staff of Evil Spirits Staff of Evil Spirits Icarus Spirit Icarus Spirit Draconic Leather Boots Draconic Leather Boots Draconic Leather Boots Draconic Leather Boots Elegia Hourberk {PvP} Olf's T-shirt Vorpal Houberk {PvP} Draconic Leather Gloves Draconic Leather Gloves Draconic Leather Gloves Child's Hat - Boy Birthday Hat Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Helmet Draconic Leather Helmet Draconic Leather Helmet Tateossian Ring Tateossian Ring Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Earring Tateossian Earring Striped Mithril Shirt Striped Mithril Shirt Striped Mithril Shirt Striped Mithril Shirt Striped Mithril Shirt White Talisman of Bravery Black Talisman - Free Speech Black Talisman - Rescue Black Talisman - Physical Freedom White Talisman of Motion White Talisman of Grounding Yellow Talisman - Speed Red Talisman - Life Force Blue Talisman - Explosion Enhanced Mithril Bracelet Black Talisman - Arcane Freedom Yellow Talisman of Speed Black Talisman - Escape Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity Blue Talisman of Defense Striped Mithril Shirt Blue Talisman of Magic Defense Blue Talisman - Divine Protection Yellow Talisman of Alacrity Blue Talisman - Divine Protection Blue Talisman - Divine Protection Striped Mithril Shirt


Adena Scroll of Escape Scroll of Resurrection Shining Arrow Crystal (S-Grade) Crystal (S-Grade) Soulshot (S-Grade) Spirit Ore Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade) Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade) Exilium Store Greater CP Potion Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall Baby Buffalo Panpipe Golden Ram Badge - Soldier Talon of Stakato Golden Ram Coin Baby Spice Scroll: Recovery (Grade S) Elixir of Life (S-Grade) Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) Elixir of CP (S-Grade) Battle Symbol Transformation Scroll: Onyx Beast Transformation Scroll: Unicorn Transformation Scroll: Unicorn Olympiad Token Aden Territory Badge Birthday Cake Powerful Healing Potion Birthday Present Pack Birthday Vitality Potion Exilium Ether Hector's Magic Book Scroll of War My achievements

Magic Skins

Wonderland, Steampunk

$ 25.00 USD